Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Plagiarism in Scientific Research (speech)

Posted by amalia novi at 5:23 AM 0 comments

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
The honorable, All my friends whom i love. Good morning. First of all, lets pray and thanks into our god ALLAH SWT who has been giving us some mercies and blessings so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation. thank you for having me here in this fine and joyfull morning. I hope we are all in the good health.
Standing in front of you all, i would like to deliver my speech under the tittle “Plagiarism in Scientific Research ”. The present review aims to provide a thorough account of plagiarism to build awareness about all dimensions of plagiarism.
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. Plagiarism may be intentional or reckless, or unintentional. Under the regulations for examinations, intentional or reckless plagiarism is a disciplinary offence, plagiarism is defined as “deliberate or reckless representation of another’s words, thoughts, or ideas as one’s own without attribution in connection with submission of academic work, whether graded or otherwise”

Monday, July 1, 2019

Figure of Public Speaking

Posted by amalia novi at 5:19 AM 0 comments

Barack Obama Born in Honolulu in 1961, Barack Obama went on to become President of the Harvard Law Review and a U.S. senator representing Illinois. In 2008, he was elected President of the United States, becoming the first African-American commander-in-chief. he won a second term in 2012. He served two terms as the 44th president of the United States.

On January 27, 2010, President Obama delivered his first State of the Union speech. During his oration, Obama addressed the challenges of the economy, proposed a fee for larger banks, announced a possible freeze on government spending in the following fiscal year and spoke against the Supreme Court's reversal of a law capping campaign finance spending. He also challenged politicians to stop thinking of re-election and start making positive changes. He criticized Republicans for their refusal to support any legislation and chastised Democrats for not pushing hard enough to get legislation passed.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Leaflet Plagiarism

Posted by amalia novi at 2:10 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Posted by amalia novi at 12:35 PM 0 comments

Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sejarah Public Speaking

Posted by amalia novi at 10:20 PM 0 comments

Kemampuan Public Speaking atau berbicara di depan khalayak adalah suatu kemampuan yang tidak hanya harus dimiliki oleh para pemimpin, namun seluruh pemimpin masyarakat. Kemampuan berbicara di depan Publik yang dimiliki oleh seseorang, bila dipergunakan secara strategis, tidak berlebihan bila dikatakan bahwa kemampuan ini dapat membawa seseorang untuk mengubah dunia. Public speaking itu juga suatu komunikasi tempat komunikator berhadapan langsung dengan massa atau berhadapan dengan komunikan atau audiens. Public speaking dibedakan sengan komunikasi massa. Alasannya komunikasi massa adalah jenis komunikasi yang menggunakan media massa, sedangkan public speaking adalah komunikasi langsung dengan massa. Public Speaking adalah salah satu ketrampilan yang paling penting dalam menapaki karir. Pegawai yang memiliki keahlian Public Speaking memiliki ciri khas pemimpin dan cenderung dipercaya oleh atasan maupun rekan. Kemampuan menguasai masa/ publik dapat menjadi aset yang sangat berharga bagi tujuan komersil atau non komersil suatu perusahaan/organisasi. Namun, jauh sebelum itu mari kita lihat perkembangan sejarah Public Speaking hingga saat ini.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Posted by amalia novi at 9:07 PM 0 comments

Hotel merupakan tempat menginap sementara untuk para tamu yang datang dari berbagai tempat. Namun sekarang ini, Hotel tidak hanya digunakan sebagai tempat menginap, tetapi hotel dapat digunakan sebagai tempat mengadakan suatu  acara, tempat pertemuan atau rapat. Terdapat beberapa profesi di hotel salah satunya adalah receptionist hotel (penerima tamu), chef(menyiapkan makanan untuk para tamu), waiter/waitress (pelayan), dan barista (peracik minuman sekelas kopi). 
Kita sebagai traveler atau tamu, hendaknya mengetahui bagaimana cara memesan kamar atau menyewa transportasi dengan cara yang sopan. Kita juga harus tahu hal-hal apa saja yang harus kita tanyakan. Misalnya, lokasinya dimana, berapa harganya, jika untuk memesan penginapan apa saja fasilitasnya, jika menyewa transportasi seperti mobil apa saja persyaratannya, sehingga tidak ada terjadinya miss communication dan perjalanan kita berjalan sesuai dengan apa yang kita harapkan.
Pada umumnya terdapat dua jenis menu makanan di hotel. Yaitu, menu table d’hote dan a la carte. Jenis makanan pada menu table d’hote sudah ditentukan, setiap jenis makanan porsinya terbatas dan terdapat tiga teknik penyajian yaitu Banquets, Buffets, dan Coffee shop. Sedangkan menu a la carte tertera harga pada daftar menunya dan pelanggan dapat memilih sesuai dengan keinginannya.
Banyak sekali fasilitas yang diberikan oleh hotel agar para tamu dapat nyaman dan senang serta merasa puas berada di hotel tersebut. Beberapa fasilitas yang dimiliki hotel adalah sarapan gratis, restoran, Wi-fi internet gratis, parkir  yang luas, layanan front office 24 jam, restaurant, kolam renang, bar, AC, kopi/teh di lobi utama. 
Prosedur ketika check-in pesawat di bandara adalah pertama kunjungi “Check-in” untuk check-in di Bandara pada hari keberangkatan kemudain tersedia loket untuk check-in. kemudian serahkan bagasi. Kemudian pemeriksaan keamanan. Selanjutnya tahap imigrasi, kita wajib menunjukan dokumen perjalanan kita. Selanjutnya adalah boarding. ID penerbangan akan disebutkan melalui speaker, kemudian masuk ke pesawat. Setelah sampai di Bandara tujuan, jangan lupa untuk mengambil bagas. Check Id penerbangan jangan sampai salah tempat menunggu pengambilan bagasi.M

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Easy Fun Tour (Travel Agent)

Posted by amalia novi at 4:21 AM 0 comments

Q : Since when you established your tour and travel company ?
A : I have been running my tour and travel’s business since 2014
Q : how many destinations that you have ?
A : Currently we served  some routes such as Russia, Hongkong, Singapore, Dubai, and  Maldives
Q : Why you choose to have tour and travel rather than other business ?
A : Because I have passion in travelling, like to go sightseeing. And I see the opportunity that Indonesian people like to travelling, so I combined my hobby with my business.
Q : what is your company’s competitive advantages?
A : affordable, offer unique destination,you can costumize, flexible tour.
Q: what system that you used ?
A : For ticketing, I used pointer.com , for the tour I have partnership with local tour provider.
Q : Do you often to give discount to your customer ?
A : Seldom, I give a discount just for the customer who have been join the trip with easy fun tour.
Q : what you unforgetable moment ?
A : When  I was a tour guide I had to carrying a child around 5 years old in Hongkong. So it was from Disneyland, then we get into a train and suddenly he felt asleep and his parents told me to carrying until my room. But when I want to across the street he suddenly woke up and cry and looking for his parents.
Q : Are you planning to expand your current destination?
A :  ke Eropa, America dan Umroh. To Europe, America, and Mecca.

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